Beautiful Place To Pre-Wedding Photos in the Thousand Islands
Thousand Islands - For lovers of beach and island, bride and groom couples often look for the island to be a place pre-wedding photos. In the Thousand Islands, there are 3 beautiful islands prewed right to photograph, you know!
There are about 342 islands in the Thousand Islands region. Of the hundreds of islands, some are suitable to be a place of pre wedding photos. Here are three beautiful islands that can record the beginning of your future as a couple:
1. Bidadari Island
Not too far away, Angel Island can be reached in about 20 minutes from Marina Ancol Pier by boat quickly. The island also receive couples who want pre-wedding photos, with some requirements.
"First, make a written request to the email, marketing.bidadari @," said Angel Island Resort front office, Eca, to detikTravel, Tuesday (14/5).
Thereafter, further Eca, you'll get a response from the Angel Island for permission prewed photographed there. After receiving an answer, the phone immediately there to reserve the date.
Done decide the date, now just choose the hour of departure. If you want to leave at 11:00 pm, you are charged Rp 230 thousand, plus lunch. Whereas if you leave at 13:30 pm, only charged Rp 200 thousand.
Yes, it takes money to be able to take pictures there. However, it is quite reasonable considering the above price includes round-trip transportation from Pier Marina Ancol. You will get a fast boat that will take you. As for the hours of departure, the maximum is at 18:00 pm.
2. Macan Island
As in the Island Princess, a confirmation email is required if you want to hold a photo prewed in Pulau Macan. In the email, you can explain what you want prewed photo.
If you are about to use electricity and the like, it will be an additional charge. No photo package prewed there, but for one day tour, one person is Rp 850 thousand is included. If prewed photo can not be finished in one day, you can take a package to stay there.
For departures, can be started from Ancol Marina Pier at 08.00 and return at 14.00 at the latest. "Better take pictures when weeekdays course, because that was usually full all weekend," said Front Office Tiger Island.
According to Santi, a beautiful spot to take pictures prewed here is on Pulau Macan Halak. "There are no buildings or trees, only sand. Was located near one of Tiger Island, just crossed," said Santi.
There was a beautiful beach, you can choose the photo spot is considered the most attractive. Want to take pictures with the sunset background, wait until sunset. But it means, you have to stay overnight there.
3. Semak Daun Island & Air Island
Sometimes, uninhabited island so beautiful destinations because there are too many untouched human intervention. Some of these are shrubs Island Leaves and Water Island. Both of these adjacent islands is about 3 hours away sea with wooden boats depart from Muara Angke or Kaliadem.
Meanwhile, if by speedboat from Marina Ancol, can travel faster up to 1.5-2 hours. Leaves on Bushes Island, there is a bridge made of wood that fit perfectly romantic spot photographed as a couple. Which makes it perfect is that clean the area of the building, so it looks very natural.
Photographed at seashore also be an interesting idea. White sand and clear water makes everything look more beautiful when caught on camera. Want to capture the romance on the waterfront? Can! Area no reef off the coast so that you and your partner can take pictures with the majority being in the water bodies.
Water Island is not too far from Semak Daun offers beach style beauty is no less powerful. The sand is very clean and clear water so the main magnet of the pair pictured here. Plus, there are also parts of the island where the water is colored turquoise. Sincerely beautiful!
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