5 Mistakes Most Often Traveler

    Traveling is booming. You can just walk or plan a trip to a destination, but let's first consider a few things. Often, these mistakes do 5 traveler.

    This is the 5 most common mistakes made traveler. Do not let you repeat the same mistakes when traveling later ya!

1. Give or not to tip

Giving a tip as inseparable from each trip, especially overseas. But first, know that tipping rules are different in each country. Before the trip, try to find out what the rules tip in the destination country. This avoids the 'theft' by the locals by way of asking for a tip that is too expensive.

For example, in some countries of Central America gratuities are included in your bill. Whether it's a restaurant or a hotel, travelers do not have to pay a tip to the waiter. Obviously this is very save expenses during the trip.

2. Careless with free internet connection

As a traveler of today, of course you usually connect to the internet every day right? The internet connection is now as important as the phone itself signals. You can also find free internet access (Free WiFi) in many places. But be careful, do not let your gadgets connected with it.

Make sure your gadget is locked from other gadgets, to avoid others from accessing your data. Yes, this can happen when you're connected via WiFi access. Second, not moral hazard. If you're using the internet, do not enter a bank account or your credit card. This prevents data theft even credit card hacking.

3. Too exist in social networking

Not infrequently traveler who uses Twitter, Facebook, Path, and several other social networking as a friend major way. And you have to remember, there is a companion to enjoy the holiday.

How about you traveling alone? The risk is even greater. Post photos, update their status or location of fine to be shared. But remember, once you've told the others that have the intention to steal, if your house is being left blank.

4. Packing impromptu

You may be planning a trip to the most detailed things. But, do not forget to start packing away the previous day. The longer the trip, the more things that need to be prepared. Not just goods, but also the obligation to tell the banks and credit card companies on your departure.

Packing ahead of time, at least 5-7 days prior to departure, there is no harm. Do not you forget crucial items when it's thousands of miles from home.

5. Forgot to relax

Well, here's the most frequent forgetfulness by the traveler. Remember, you are traveling to relax and enjoy the ride. Leave time to enjoy the journey.

Too ambitious trip was not a good time, even cause stress. Do not spend every second trip ran from one destination to another destination, the origin of snap here and there. I could have you missed the most important aspects of a destination.

For example, there are thousands of photos of the Eiffel Tower if you search on the internet. While visiting the City of Paris, try to enjoy it in a different way. Order a cup of coffee at a sidewalk cafe. Feel the real atmosphere of the City of Paris, the hum of the language with a distinctive accent, watching the activities of the local residents. Things like this is what will make the trip so unforgettable.


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